Frequently Asked Questions

1 - The Anatomy Of Our Road

What does it take to build and maintain a good solid road?

Our road has a river rock and sand base with a lastre/gravel crusher cap. The gravel or crusher material is a composite of sand, tajo/live rock of various sizes that crush, compact and adhere together to form a strong weight supporting road.  At present we believe we have succeeded in establishing a river rock base. We are now focusing our attention on building up a thick enough lastre/ gravel cap that will allow us to form a properly crowned road with a 4° degree slope that will quickly shed torrential rains.

Lastre/gravel, Tajo/live rock, crusher material.

Why does the road need to be crowned?

A crowned road is an essential feature of a healthy road. A properly crowned road sheds water quickly, preventing it from pooling and penetrating.

A properly crowned road quickly sheds rainwater.

An insufficient crown allows water to pool in ruts caused by habitual center driving.

Why is driving on the right side so important?

Habitual driving in the center of the road, creates ruts and ruins the crown of the road. The ruts collect water which penetrate the road. Sustained moisture causes the road to become soft and disfigured, costing the community many $$$ to repair.

Ruts created by habitually driving in the center of the road.

A wet road is a soft, mushy, gushy road. Think 


Driving on the right reduces the risk of a head on collision. Think night time, rain, blind curves, motorcycles, fog.

Driving on the right reduces weeds growing on the sides and center of the road. Weeds prevent the road from draining properly, and this leads to road deterioration.

Why is it better to use 4-wheel drive when driving on Fila Cacao?

Transferring the weight and traction to four tires causes far less damage to the road than using two-wheel drive especially when climbing in wet conditions. Please use 4-wheel drive (or All-wheel) at all times on Fila Cacao.

When is the best time to get estimates and perform road maintenance?

The ideal time to get an estimate for road maintenance is soon after the rainy season begins. The early rains clearly identify troubled areas in the road such as soft spots, insufficient crowning, ruts, secondary ditches and drainage problems. Observing these problems firsthand eliminates guesswork and enables the contractor to give us an accurate quote, which saves the community money and produces better results.

Road maintenance work should be done as soon as possible after receiving the quote, and before the heavy rains begin. The early rains help to soak in and settle the new material. The morning sun helps to cure and adhere the materials together giving us a strong, durable road. Performing the work immediately after receiving the price quote prevents price changes due to rising fuel and material costs.

 The best practice would be as follows:

1. We raise funds to know exactly how much cash we have on hand to work with.

2. We get an accurate quote based on firsthand observations.

3.  We place the order before the heavy rains set in and prices change.

Another important factor to keep in mind is that other communities are competing for this prime maintenance time. We must be in a position to act decisively if we want to secure our spot in the contractor’s schedule. By following the best practices described above, we save the community money and get better results.

What responsibility do property owners with frontage on Fila Cacao have?

Property owners are legally required to maintain their road frontage. Road frontage maintenance includes:

Please note: Your property begins at 7 meters from the centerline of the road.

What “water management” requirements must road-frontage property owners follow?

The importance of good water management cannot be overstated. Fila Cacao (aka, Cacao Ridge) follows a mountain ridge. Water from torrential downpours must drain off the ridge.  A system of ditches and desagües have been engineered by a licensed contractor to manage the water off the ridge.

Frontage Property owners:

Why is heavy shade bad for the road?

Heavy shade keeps the road moist. Moisture weakens the road. During the rainy season it's imperative that the road gets as much “sun time” as possible. During the rainy season, clouds reduce this precious “sun time”  Shade cast from trees, hedges, and bushes robs the road of critical “sun time”. 

Are there any restrictions on driveways or entrances?

If someone neglects to maintain their frontage property or causes damage to the road, can any action be taken by the road committee?

Yes, but that’s a scenario we truly wish to avoid. Being neighbors, we want to treat each other as such. But, in the case where someone flagrantly disregards their responsibility or causes damage to the road, the committee would:

1. Investigate the alleged neglect or damage.

2. Contact the neighbor in person to peacefully resolve the alleged issue.

3. Contact them in writing to peacefully resolve the alleged issue. 

4. Solicit the municipality for their involvement to resolve the alleged problem.

What are Community Days?

The main purpose of Community Days is to get our hands dirty working together to make the road ready for heavy-equipment maintenance, plant for erosion control, trim tree limbs that cause heavy shade, and cut weeds in abandoned property ditches. And they're a lot of fun. 

Note: It is the responsibility of property owners with road frontage to maintain their own property. Contributions are not intended to maintain someone’s private property.

What is the legal setback of the road?

Fila Cacao has a 14-meter-wide setback. The setback is 7 meters from the center of the road on both sides. Be advised if you construct or plant anything within the legal set back you may be required to remove it or have it removed at your expense. Plan carefully.

Does Fila Cacao have any weight limit restrictions?

Yes, from a common sense, what’s best for the road perspective. When building your dream home please request that all building materials are delivered in 4-wheel drive “6 cubic meter delivery trucks. Vagonetas. These vehicles are readily available and very capable of meeting your delivery needs. Suppliers will comply but you must ask for it.

Tell your material suppliers, architect, supervisor, contractor that all deliveries are to be made in 4-wheel drive, 6-meter trucks.

Fila Cacao is not engineered to support large 2-wheel drive tractor-trailer loads. 

The use of six-meter, heavy-duty 4WD trucks, and scheduling deliveries for morning (before the rain) will save you time and money. 


large, 2WD


2 - Fila Cacao Road Committee

Why does Fila Cacao need a road committee?

Fila Cacao is a dirt road requiring regular maintenance due to torrential rains, traffic and the impact of new construction. Our local municipality doesn't provide this required maintenance. It’s up to us. For this reason, the municipality allows us to form a legal “Road Committee” and grants us permission to collect money and oversee the maintenance using licensed and insured contractors.

In what way is Fila Cacao a road in transition?

Originally our road was intended to serve a few families and transport a few cattle from time to time. “The Times They Are a-Changin.” More people are moving here and building their dream homes. To stay ahead of the growth, our road must transform into a road capable of withstanding the increasing traffic, new home construction and annual torrential rains. The cost will be many tens of thousands of dollars. After extensive research and consultation, your Road Committee has adopted a long-term, step-by-step, year-over-year plan. 

What part of Fila Cacao does the Road Committee maintain? 

The Road Committee maintains the primary portion of the ridge only. It measures approximately 4.1 km from the entrance at the San Juan De Dios road along the ridge-top ending where the road makes a sharp left turn and leaves the ridge. (See green highlighted road.) All private ancillary roads off Fila Cacao, and areas beyond, are not part of the fundraising and maintenance efforts organized by the Road Committee. 

How did the Road Committee develop its plan and strategies for Fila Cacao?

Our goal was to create the most fair, neighbor-supported, transparent and cost-effective program possible. Step 1 was to consult with knowledgeable resources. 

We used this research to create a customized maintenance program. We believe the results are clearly reflected in the road’s improvement. However, since “you cannot improve what you do not measure”, each year we measure the results, searching for ways to refine our strategy. We are 100% committed to giving the community the very best value for its contribution dollar and 100% of your contribution goes toward the road. 

What is the Road Committee’s long term plan for Fila Cacao?

In simple terms, the plan is to raise enough funds each year to repair the road and make it better than it was the year before.  Repair and improve, little by little, year after year. Rome was not built in a day and neither will Fila Cacao.

How long will the plan for Fila Cacao take?

1. Our goal each year is to make the road better than it was the previous year.

2.  Fila Cacao will always require maintenance, and some portions of the road will always need building or rebuilding. Dirt-road life in the tropics. 

Why not build the road all at once?

1. $$$$$$ The cost would be too high and put an unfair burden on the current property owners. 

2.  The road committee firmly believes that new neighbors who buy property and build here should participate in the cost of transforming Fila Cacao. 

3. It would, in essence, be subsidizing and attracting newcomers including rental income properties, private communities and hotels. 

Are there any benefits to paying for our own road maintenance?

Yes, we are in control! We know exactly when, where, and how our contributions are spent. And bonus, it keeps our property taxes low.

Who is the Road Committee?

Unpaid, non-compensated volunteer neighbors legally affiliated with the San Juan de Dios Growth Committee. 

Does the Road Committee oversee the Fila Cacao WhatsApp chat?

No. The WhatsApp chat is separate from the RC. The administrator of the chat group permits us to post information on the chat.

Does the Road Committee oversee the maintenance of private roads that connect to Fila Cacao?

No. The Road Committee only oversees the maintenance of the public road - Fila Cacao.

Why does the road committee collect impact fees?

Impact fees play a vital role in the long-term plan to build, maintain and stay ahead of growth. New construction impacts the road in multiple ways:

1. New construction causes damage to our road. It moves our road backwards. Impact fees help to repair the damage and keep us on track to achieve our long-term goal. 

2. New construction permanently impacts the road by increasing the traffic it must bear. 

3. More traffic eventually requires the road to be built thicker, which costs more money. 

4. More traffic eventually requires the road to be built wider, which costs more money.

The table below illustrates the increased road surface needed to handle the increase in trucks delivering materials to houses under construction.

What's the difference between impact fees and maintenance fees?

Impact fees and maintenance fees are two distinctly different things and are accounted for separately.

* MAINTENANCE FEES are for annual road maintenance.  They are collected during the fund drive which takes place between November & March. 

* IMPACT FEES are used to mitigate the impact of construction and increased traffic. Impact fees are a one-time fee and are requested when someone officially breaks ground.  When an impact fee is paid, that calendar year's annual maintenance fee is not required.

Shouldn’t someone else's impact fees lower my maintenance contribution?

No. Lowering the overall maintenance budget in the hope of receiving impact fees could lead to a colossal budget deficit.  We will not count our “contribution chickens” before they hatch.

1. We don't know if we will collect an Impact fee, it’s completely voluntary.

2. We are often unaware of construction until it begins.

3. We don't know how long the construction project will last. 

4. We don't know the extent of the damage the construction will cause until it’s over.

5. Construction can take place any time of the year, the maintenance fund drive is finite.

Does the Road Committee publish the amount I contribute?

No. We acknowledge contributions and “rounding up” but we don't publish the amount of a contribution. Nor will we engage in any form of public shaming. If someone chooses to give less or nothing at all, it’s their prerogative. It’s all voluntary.

Does the road committee provide a treasury report to show where and how money is spent?

Yes. Each year a complete, transparent report of total contributions collected, and all disbursements is given in our “End of the year” newsletter.

Can we ever get any assistance from the municipality? They help other roads, not Fila Cacao?

It’s possible, but we shouldn't count on it. Our muni-zone is underfunded. Its tax base comes from a lower-income agricultural population. The muni must prioritize who gets help. Fila Cacao:

1. Doesn't have a school that children need to attend.

2. Has no medical clinic serving the public.

3. Has no essential businesses that serve public needs. 

4. Doesn't have an important thruway providing access to other communities that people need to travel to or through.

5. The local growth committee we fall under is aware that the vast majority of property owners of Fila Cacao have enough discretionary income to maintain the road. 

How much of my contributions goes to the road?  

100%, every penny.

Does the Road Committee use contribution dollars to pay for any administration costs?

No. We run the Road Committee on a shoestring budget. Road Committee members themselves bear all administration costs. This website for example is paid for out-of-pocket by road committee members. We take great pride in not placing any burden on the community.

Do Road Committee members contribute like the rest of the property owners?

Yes. We pay at least the full amount of maintenance and impact fees requested.

Can someone refuse to contribute?

Yes. All contributions are voluntary.

Can I join the Road Committee?

Yes. Full-time or more than six months a year residents are preferred for firsthand experience through the seasons and various stages of road conditions.  Call us or contact us by phone 506 8320 7684  or

Can I volunteer in some way without joining the Road Committee?

Of course! Many hands make light work. Call us or contact us by email 506 8320 7684

3 - Road Committee Finances

How are our road maintenance contributions calculated?

The road maintenance contribution formula is based on a distance + property-use.

Distance is measured from the entrance of Fila Cacao to the principal driveway of a property.

Distance + undeveloped, developed, business, or agricultural usage = contribution. The contribution formula has been transparently displayed since our inception, with explanatory notes, so each person can see exactly how their contribution request is calculated.


1. Distance in meters: The more road you use, the greater the contribution request.

2. Undeveloped property: Contribution requests are calculated at approximately half of developed property.

3. Developed property: Contribution requests are calculated at approximately double of undeveloped properties. 

4. Commercial property: An additional flat contribution amount is requested for properties that conduct commercial business. They are divided into two categories: light traffic and heavy traffic. 

5. Agriculture. A reduced contribution request is applied to cattle farm property.

6. There's no discount for part-time properties because the historic data shows that part-time properties produce regular yard, pool, rental and vacation traffic


Why should I contribute to the road?

You use the road.

You want a safe and solid road when friends and family visit.

You want renters to have a good experience and leave positive feedback.

You want a reliable road in case of a medical emergency.

You want a safe and solid road when you drive in the rain, at night, or in the fog.

You want a reliable road when it's time to build your home.

You want a good road when you try to sell your property.

You want a reliable road for repair trucks when the electricity or internet goes out.

You want a reliable road when your septic tank needs to be serviced.

Quieres una carretera confiable cuando es hora de transportar vacas.

You want a good road when it’s time to go to yoga class.

You want a good road when the surf is up.

Dump truck / Vagoneta 

Approximately $300 per dump truck.
When bought in volume, one dump truck, aka vagoneta, of material costs approximately $300. - delivered and spread. One load equals 10 cubic meters of road gravel material and will cover between 12 to 18 running meters of road, depending on the width and condition of the existing road base. 15 running meters is a good average to use for basic, ballpark estimating costs. 
100 meter example:100 meters of road divided by 15 meters of coverage per dump truck = 6.66 dump trucks. $20.00 per running meter of road. 
FYI our road is more than 4,000 meters long. 
Grader or Niveladora 
Compactor or Compactadora or aplanadora

Approximately $80/hour, per machine. 

Each machine costs about $80/hr to operate. It takes roughly 45 hours, to grade and about 25 hours to compact our road. 70 hours total. The grader can shape grade, level and crown the road. It can create, clean scrape ditches and desagües. The soil compactor steel drum vibrates at up to 2,040 times per minute, exerting a maximum rock-crushing force of 52,605 pounds, making our road hard, safe and solid.

How can I make my contribution to the Road Committee?

You can contribute a number of ways

PayPal, Zellee, SINPE, Bank transfer, Cash in Dollars or Colones.

For payment instructions please email us at

Questions? Call us. 

CR 506 8320 7646 or USA 386 319 0690